Protect Health, Safeguard Our Climate

Protect Health, Safeguard Our Climate

What's at stake?

The Albanese Government’s reforms to the Safeguard Mechanism will determine whether Australia meets its 43% emissions reduction target. 

A strong Safeguard Mechanism will force Australia’s biggest polluters to actually cut emissions at their facilities, not on paper. But the Albanese Government's draft reforms have loopholes that will let big polluters like Woodside and Santos buy unlimited offsets and avoid actually cutting emissions.

In addition, the draft reforms allows new fossil fuel projects into the scheme when the science tells us that there can be no new projects if we are to keep warming ...

What's at stake?

The Albanese Government’s reforms to the Safeguard Mechanism will determine whether Australia meets its 43% emissions reduction target. 

A strong Safeguard Mechanism will force Australia’s biggest polluters to actually cut emissions at their facilities, not on paper. But the Albanese Government's draft reforms have loopholes that will let big polluters like Woodside and Santos buy unlimited offsets and avoid actually cutting emissions.

In addition, the draft reforms allows new fossil fuel projects into the scheme when the science tells us that there can be no new projects if we are to keep warming to below 1.5 degrees.

The Albanese Government must close the loopholes now.

Please see email tips to craft your own letter. At the very least make an edit to the template to make it personal.

Background information

DEA's submission on the Safeguard Mechanism

Climate Council and ACF - Safeguard Mechanism briefing paper #2 - February 2023


Protect Health, Safeguard Our Climate

Show strong support for a robust Safeguard Mechanism that will deliver real emissions reductions and ensure that big polluters are cannot buy their way out of genuine climate action.

Send an email to the Minister for climate change and energy, the Hon Chris Bowen, calling for a robust Safeguard Mechanism.

Where do you live?

Compose your email

Email Tips +

The strongest action is to write your own letter using the information provided. If that is too difficult, use the template but modify it to make it more personal.